
Today is a Special Day!

After crafting this blog exactly a year ago today, I'm proud to say that my blog's birthday is today! I would post a link to my first post, but it is slightly pointless and silly! So, I am not stopping you from looking at it yourself! A lot has been going on lately...track has taken up all my life, then homework comes next, and then after that might be a social life? I'm not sure where that went! Haha!

Well, this blog has been my way of communicating with my family and dgroup. I love this, because everything gets easier! This is obviously the technology generation! I'm quite proud to be growing up in it!

This blog has also been my way of expressing my creativity, I have several things that I have written. Some include, short stories and poems. I love being able to be creative and not feel ashamed!

Overall, I am very proud my blog has made it this far! I am sad to say that this is not something I update everyday, but that might not be all that bad! Well, there is homework calling my name! Luckily I don't have track today, otherwise, I would be quite behind with that...


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