
Reminiscing of a Better Time

Since I have gotten back from St. Louis, I have had serious withdrawal! I miss Jaylen and working with him...I miss being busy and working for the greater good. I'll probably never see him again and I'll probably never get that experience back. I miss having something to do every single day and rarely getting a chance to sit down. I miss the work, I miss the hectic schedule and most of all, I miss being able to get away from my Williamson County bubble. 

I have humbled myself with the experience, it was eye-opening, and all the usual stuff someone says about a mission trip. Sometimes I want to take back what I did and re-do the entire thing, just so I have a little more time. So I could have been more enthusiastic about it and more into it. I wish my heart had been in the right place before I left, I wish I wasn't so self-absorbed for the trip. I wish that I could have done more with my time. 

Enough with all the wishing, and wanting to take back's, it happened and it's done with. At least I got the experience, and I'm not regretting a single second of it! I'm glad I was chosen by God to go on that trip, I hope I'm chosen to go to Nicaragua next year to serve and share. I can't wait to see what God has in store for me this coming school year. I want to live it up and not waste any second of it. 

I'm glad I met the people I did on the trip, and I'm glad I have more friendships than I did when I left. I'm glad I kept the friendships I had before I left and when I did. I'm glad I did what I did on the trip. I'm glad I picked the younger kids over the older ones, if I hadn't then I would have never met Jaylen. That's something I''m so thankful for!

Well, I'm getting off my little soap box and calling it a post.


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