

Tonight we played Hillsboro High, they are called the 'burros's'. It was a good game, we won, 14-6. In the 3rd quarter, Hillsboro's quarterback got insanely injured. He hurt his neck bad. He was unconscious for about 5-6 minutes. They could not wake him up, he was taken off the field not moving and still unconscious.

Last week, we played Ootlewah. It was a good game. Two players on their team were named 'Goose' and 'Jeuce', I'm not even kidding! They are from Ootlewah, Tennessee. We won, 26-14.

The week before the CHS game, we played a team up in Kentucky. We won, 42-7. It was 42 before half time...that's sad!

This week, we found out that Williamson County is getting totally rezoned to different places and schools! Tons of my friends are going to different schools unless they are grandfathered in! Shoot!

Well, that's about it! Oh, and I happen to have a 75 in Geometry...crud!


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